The Pointer Sisters – Fire
Bass by Gerald Johnson (1978)
Run by bass players, for bass players. A collection of free bass transcriptions presented professionally in tablature and notation. Entirely funded by user donations.
We have an ever growing archive of free and accurate transcriptions put together through hard work, gratitude, and love for music.
All transcriptions are homemade and user submitted - by bass players, for bass players. Our model is built on user submissions and donations.
Transcriptions once available in the Jamiroquai: Essential Bass Transcriptions publications are available to buy from the store.
Great effort and time goes in to creating transcriptions. Even the smallest of donations is greatly appreciated.
Bass by Gerald Johnson (1978)
Bass by Tony Kanal (2003)
Bass by Ricky Reed (2022)
Bass by Martin Kemp (1983)
Bass by George Gekas (2016)
Bass by Bakithi Kumalo (1986)
Bass by Laurent Vernerey (2021)
Bass by Flea (1995)
Bass by Chuck Rainey (1974)
Bass by Kylde Jones (2012)
Bass by Joe Puetra (1978)
Bass by Christopher Brody Brown (2020)